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How to Learn Any Language

Many people try to learn language by studying tapes or memorizing verb tenses. But the best way to learn a foreign language is through conversation with a native speaker. When you learn language, it is natural to come to the lessons with the assumption that the world is all the same. However, cultural background affects the conversations you have when you learn a language. If you learn these basic questions in the language of your choice and go in depth with them, it will help you to avoid cultural assumptions.

Plus, if you fill in the blank with a topic of great interest to the other person, it will be easy to keep them talking for hours on one subject so that you can “listen and learn” while gaining vocabulary in that topic. This way you will learn a foreign language plus learn aspects of the culture that many others may miss.

Step 1
What is the meaning of ----? (This could be one word that you need a definition for, or it can be a larger concept such as liberty, freedom, self-sufficiency . . .)

Step 2
Could you repeat that more slowly? Remember, I’m trying to learn (insert language).

Step 3
What are the major kinds of -----? An alternative to this is: What are the major parts of -----? For example, you may ask the kinds of cities, offices, cars, parties, ice cream, etc.)

Step 4
What are the major differences between a --- and a ----? (For example: car/truck hamburger/sandwich)When you -----, what do you usually do from beginning to end? (For example, work, take a bus, teach, pray, fish, cook….)

Step 5
When you -----, what are some of the reasons you don’t ------. (For example, when you make stirfry, what are some of the reasons you don’t use oil? Are there times you do use oil?)

By PJWilliams eHow Article: How to Learn Any Language

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Learn Free Hindi Language and Courses

Learn Free Hindi Language and Courses

We have collected together here a variety of 100 % free Hindi terminology training and terminology programs for those studying Hindi, along with some other Hindi terminology sources, such as Hindi web centered programs and workouts, podcast, movie training, alphabets, dictionaries, lexicons, action-word conjugations, terminology areas, magazines, articles, and guides. Most of these sites will be in British, although a variety are multilingual in characteristics.

Textbook Courses

Hindi Lessons from Wikibooks, the open-content guides selection.This guide is presenting Hindi and the program used to make it. It was published as an access at hindi.unilang.org, and the writer was type enough to allow authorization to duplicate and easily change the published text under the GFDL.

Courses and Exercises

Bab.la Language Portal

"The bab.la terminology web page provides you thesaurus translations, terminology assessments and activities, terminology training for studying and much more. bab.la is interactive: You can get into your own interpretation, make your own terminology test or your own terminology flashcard set. babla - Adoring Languages!". Quizzes, activities, terminology studying and thesaurus helps for British, China, France, Hindi, French, Japanese people, Japanese people, Enhance, Colonial, Romanian, European, Spanish language, and Turkish.


This set of training is developed to educate an British presenter to study the Devanagari program. It is presumed that you are at least acquainted with the Hindi terminology in common.

A Entrance Into Hindi
Hindi training that cover composing, terminology, and sentence structure with workouts and assessments. Needs Quicktime and
Devaganari print designs.

Hindi Alphabet
Site on studying the Hindi abc from U of Penn; requires Real Gamer.

Hindi Lessons Online
Hindi training in Devanagari (that is the program the Indians use to make Hindi), with every term in Hindi given a transliteration in British letters; the first short session is about how to study the Hindi program.

Hindi Lessons from Wikibooks, the open-content guides collection
This guide is presenting Hindi and the program used to make it. It was published as an access at hindi.unilang.org, and the writer was type enough to allow authorization to duplicate and easily change the published text under the GFDL.

Hindi Lessons from School of Pennsylvania
Hindi training of Univ. of California in movie and published text format; needs a person for RealVideo information files and the Devaganari typeface set up.

Hindi Program at Penn
Audio training in .AU audio information structure.

Hindi Script Tutor
Online entertaining program instructor for Devanagari.

Hindi/Urdu discussion training on the Web at Syracuse University
The Hindi terminology training that adhere to in these webpages are intended to complement educational setting training. Although each page is developed to take a position individually and can be used so, there is a certain series to adhere to in studying the terminology, starting from the appropriate knowing and exercise of the various appears to be to composing and creating discussion, to building terminology. To use these webpages for studying Hindi terminology you must have a working information of the fundamentals of Devanagari program.

Internet Polyglot Hindi-English Lessons
A variety of training in Hindi, mostly concentrating on terminology of typical conditions.

Namaste Dosti - The Understand Hindi Podcast
From the website: "I have been looking around for a good Hindi podcast and could not discover one - so I made the decision to make my own. With the help of my Hindi discussing friends, we will try to offer an exciting and effective podcast to help you learn Hindi."

Open of Course Hindi Newbies Course
A starting course in Hindi; requires signing up.

Phrasebase Hindi Language Learning Resources

The Phrasebase web page is the greatest atmosphere enabling you to study an Hindi Alphabet centered phonetic punctuation of typical and useful daily words in attempt to remember it and it's significance. Phrases are accompanyed by music enabling you to pay attention repetatively and do it again out noisy to exercise diction. And finally, there are a large number of other associates who can help you with your focus on terminology. Simply link with them in the Phrasebase Audio/Video chatroom and echange terminology information and support.

Virtual Hindi
Online studying source for Hindi, with sentence structure training and workouts, experiences, and video clips.

Uk indian Understand to Read Hindi
Downloadable training in Devanagari typeface.

Language Communities


Polyglot is a non-profit group devoted to terminology return. Polyglot allows you to discover the right person ready to return 'languages' with you. You will search for penpals according to age, sex, location, interests, etc. Polyglot is completely personalized. You will choose your own symbols, designs or publish your own Polyglot translations, so that more individuals discussing your terminology can become a participant.

Speak Any Language On the internet Community

Speak-Any-Language.com is a web-based, international group devoted to creating the world less sized place through knowing of 'languages' and societies. Our Boards place gives each of our customers to be able to link with each other. Our Talk place gives everyone the chance exercise discussing in the 'languages' of their choice. Best of all, the services on these webpages are 100 % free.

UniLang Community

The main objective of the UniLang Community is to offer a web page where individuals enthusiastic about 'languages' can merge, freely talk about, and discover sources relevant to language(s), linguistics and translations. We are an start non-profit company, significance that everything on our web page is openly available at no cost, and account is also 100 % free and start for everybody. All information, unless otherwise mentioned, is certified under an start permit, the UniLang Public Certificate, in contrast to a limited trademark.

Source – http://www.multilingualbooks.com/freelessons-hindi.html
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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Spanish Language Learning Tools

Are you looking for Studying sources so you can help yourself to understand the vivid and interesting terminology that is quickly growing its impact into the U.S.? A lot of individuals are looking to become multilingual for quite a number of reasons. If you want to understand the Language, then looking at some Studying sources is the best way to go, here's how to get started.

Spanish terminology learning sources can be discovered almost all over the internet and even off-line. Tools for learning the terminology can help with learning new conditions, conditions, terminology and how to conjugate spanish verbs and talk with complete confidence. There are video clips, sound training, MP3 information and eBooks available for obtain on the internet that will help you to understand the terminology and understand it better. Working with the sources like software applications or video clips will also help to understand the terminology.

Spanish terminology learning sources can be discovered either on the internet via a search engines search engine like Google or through on the internet Spanish language programs that can be bought and downloadable to your computer. These is great for learning the terminology and provide as an incredibly helpful device in your learning process. These are an popular option for individuals who are seriously enthusiastic about mastering the terminology.

Alternatively, if you want to examine out some sources on the internet and don't want very primary Spanish language training don't be scared to examine out sites like YouTube or Spanish language dictionaries to understand a few conditions. The sources won't be very innovative or of top quality but they will help the very primary starter.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Learning Text Abbreviations, the New Foreign Language

Lately I obtained the following concept on my phone from a young buddy, “nps idk yet cu l8tr”. After looking at it for a moment or two, a couple of concerning ideas came to ideas. The first and more apparent one was, ‘how do I response to that’; the second and more disappointing one was, ‘when did I get this old!’

Being “slightly” over 40, I did not develop with cell mobile phones, im and the like. Space Intruders was about as innovative as technology had become by the time I left school. I was trained to create using complete terms, on document. We used to deliver characters, in the publish, and everything was just a little… slower!

Of course the world has shifted on, new devices have made our emails more immediate, and so our good old published British became unnecessarily confusing in the hands of 13 year old published text magicians. Immediate interaction needs speed and British just was not providing it. Requirement, being the mom of innovation required we develop this new and terrifying terminology of published sms messages.

Unfortunately for me, it was not “we” who created published sms messages terminology, it was “them”. So now, in an unusual part change, it’s not me that needs to educate my kids, it’s them that need to educate me. With that in ideas, here is a for beginners for all us “old people” to some of the some common terms in the published sms messages terminology, so I’m informed.

Common Text Abbreviations
AFK Away From Keyboard BBL Be Back Later
AFAIK As Far As I Know BRB Be Right Back
ASL Age, Sex & Location BRT Be Right There

CFN Ciao For Now DIKU Do I Know You
CID Consider It Done DK Don't Know
CM Call Me DWL Dying With Laughter
CU See You

EG Evil Grin FFS For F**ks Sake
EL Evil Laugh FWIW For What It’s Worth
EM? Excuse Me? FYEO For Your Eyes Only
EOD End Of Discussion FYI For Your Information

G2G/GTG Got To Go HAGD Have A Great Day
GAL Get A Life HAGN Have A Good Night
GBH Great Big Hug HAGO Have A Good One
GBTW Get Back To Work HAK Hugs And Kisses
GF Girl Friend HAND Have A Nice Day
GFC Going For Coffee HB Hurry Back
GFETE Grinning From Ear To Ear
GL Good Luck

IAC In Any Case JAS Just A Second
IBTD I Beg To Differ JK Joke
IC I See JM2C Just My 2 Cents
ICBW I Could Be Wrong JT Just Teasing
IDC I Don't Care
IDK I Don't Know KK OK (Bizarrely!)
IMCO In My Considered Opinion KWIM Know What I Mean
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMI I Mean It
IRL In Real Life

L8R Later M8 Mate
LMAO Laugh My Ass Off MIHAP May I Have Your Attention Please
LOL Laugh Out Loud MKOP My Kind Of Place
MMS Multimedia Messaging System
MSG Message
MYOB Mind Your Own Business

N1 Nice One OIC Oh, I See
N2M Not To Mention OMG Oh My God
NALOPKT Not A Lot Of People Know That OOC Out Of Character
NAP/NP/NPS Not A Problem OTOH On The Other Hand
NBD No Big Deal
NBIF No Basis In Fact PAW Parents Are Watching
NC No Comment PCM Please Call Me
NE1 Anyone PLS Please
NM Never Mind PM Personal/Private Message
NRN No Reply Necessary PML Pee Myself Laughing
NSFW Not Safe For Work PPL People
NTK Nice To Know
NTYMI Now That You Mention It QQ Crying
NW No Way QT Cutie

RBAY Right Back At Ya SH Stuff Happens
RLF Real Life Friend SMAIM Send Me An Instant Message
ROFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing! SMEM Send Me E-Mail
ROFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off! SRY Sorry
ROFLOL Roll On Floor Laughing Out Loud! STFU Shut The F**k Up
ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing! SYS See You Soon

TAFN That's All For Now UR You Are
TB Text Back URW You Are Welcome
TDTM Talk Dirty To Me
TFN Thanks For Nothing VBG Very Big Grin
THX Thanks VFM Value For Money
TIC Tongue In Cheek VM Voice Mail
TM Trust Me
TTYL Talk To You Later
TXT Text
TYVM Thank You Very Much

W8 Wait X Kiss
WFM Works For Me XME Excuse Me
WG Wicked Grin XOXO Hugs And Kisses
WKND Weekend
WRK Work YKW? You Know What?
WTB Want To Buy YNK You Never Know
WTF What The F**k YPI Your Point Is
WTG Way To Go! YW You're Welcome
WYP What's Your Problem?
WYS Whatever You Say ZZZ Sleeping, Bored, Tired
WYT Whatever You Think
WYWH Wish You Were Here

Not every abbreviation you’ll ever come across there, but certainly enough to get the flavour of the language, and probably enough to work out what anything other than this might mean if you do get sent it.

Don’t forget, there’s countless variations along a theme with texting as people add individual flourishes to differentiate their texts from others. Nowhere is this more nobly exemplified in the embellishment of the simple abbreviation for laughing. LOL after several flourishes becomes ROTFLMAO, and much, much longer.

So TAFN, GL and TYVM for reading. SYS.
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Tag: new learn language, new abbreviations, new foreign language, learning text abbreviations of new foreign language
Source: Hubpages